Swim.by, SWIM Channel, Andrzej Waszkewicz


Arena Slovakia Swimming Masters Cup 2018: summer championship in the outdoor pool

Arena Slovakia Swimming Masters Cup 2018, Slovakia Masters Swimming Championship

Summer is an amazing time for sports, traveling and of course swimming! In one of the best outdoor 50-meters Olympic pool of the Eastern Europe will be held the Arena Slovakia Swimming Masters Cup on 29 June – 1 July, 2018.

Summer Masters Swimming Championship will place in Šamorín (about 20 km from Bratislava) at the bank of Danube river. The best multisport complex with 50 m outdoor Olympic pool (x-bionic® aquatic sphere) with 10 race-lanes, in case of very bad weather the race will take place in 25 m indoor pool with 8 lanes.

Arena Slovakia Swimming Masters Cup 2018, Кубок Словакии по плаванию мастерс 2018, www.swim.by, Slovakia Masters Swimming Championship, Чемпионат Словакии плавание мастерс, Swim.by

Photo: © Andrzej Waszkewicz / EMG

Arena Slovakia Swimming Masters Cup 2018

29 June – 1 July 2018 ⇒ Šamorin, Slovakia / 50m, 10-lanes outdoor Olympic pool in x-bionic® aquatic sphere;

General info: International Summer Masters Swimming Championship (Age Groups from 25+ / FINA Masters Rules) .

Web: www.turcianskivlci.sk | Rules & programRegulations | Entry fees ⇒ 8 € (1 start) / Relays = 8 € (each start)

RegistrationLENEX file to be sent to Organizers email address → dadakra@gmail.com – till 22 June 2018.

Slovakia Swimming Masters Cup 2018, Кубок Словакии по плаванию Мастерс, Slovakia Masters Swimming Championships 2018, Чемпионат Словакии по плаванию Мастерс, Masters Swimming Slovakia, Masters Swimming Slovakia, www.swim.by

Photo: © Andrzej Waszkewicz / EMG

This competition will be performed according valid FINA regulations, competition rules of Slovakian Swimming Federation and the Championship Regulations as well. Pool with electronic time measuring OMEGA.

Individuals race (events) age groups:

A= 25-29 years, B= 30-34 years,
C= 35-39 years, D= 40-44 years,
E= 45-49 years, F= 50-54 years,
G= 55-59 years, H= 60-64 years,
I= 65-69 years, J= 70-74 years,
K= 75-79 years, L= 80 and up

Team Relays:

A = 100-119 years , B = 120-159 years,
C = 160- 199 years, D = 200- 239 years,
E = 240 and up

Arena Slovakia Swimming Masters Cup 2018, Кубок Словакии по плаванию мастерс 2018, www.swim.by, Slovakia Masters Swimming Championship, Чемпионат Словакии плавание мастерс, Swim.by

Photo: © Andrzej Waszkewicz / EMG

Awards of the Arena Slovakia Swimming Masters Cup 2018

First three swimmers in each age category and discipline will be awarded medals.

First three relays in each age category and discipline will be awarded medals.

Competitors (1 man and 1 woman) who achieved the best point result (without age limit
and discipline) will be awarded cup and ARENA products.

The oldest competitors (1 man and 1 woman) will be awarded AREAN products.

Winners (1 man and 1 woman) in absolute order of individuals (according masters record Tables in individual disciplines will be qualified according interest of addressed swimming clubs) will be awarded cups with name of Slovak and Czech swimmer celebrity.
On winner’s honor the national anthem will be performed.

KPMTV-SVK : 100 m freestyle man, woman – Cup of Prof. MUDr. Pavol Šteiner DrSc.

Arena Slovakia Swimming Masters Cup 2018, Кубок Словакии по плаванию мастерс 2018, www.swim.by, Slovakia Masters Swimming Championship, Чемпионат Словакии плавание мастерс, Swim.by

Photo: © Andrzej Waszkewicz / EMG

During the Slovakia Masters Swimming Championship, the complex x-bionic® sphere offers special prices for accommodation of participants (29 June – 1 July 2018 / 2 nights), discount code ⇒ «masters2018».

Arena Slovakia Swimming Masters Cup 2018, Кубок Словакии по плаванию мастерс 2018, www.swim.by, Slovakia Masters Swimming Championship, Чемпионат Словакии плавание мастерс, Swim.by

Warm-up 25 m indoor pool with 8 lanes.

Arena Slovakia Swimming Masters Cup 2018, Кубок Словакии по плаванию мастерс 2018, www.swim.by, Slovakia Masters Swimming Championship, Чемпионат Словакии плавание мастерс, European Masters League, Swim.by

Photo: © Swim.by

European Masters League guarantees professional refereeing and a high international level of the Slovakia Masters Swimming Cup.

Arena Slovakia Swimming Masters Cup 2018, Кубок Словакии по плаванию мастерс 2018, www.swim.by, Slovakia Masters Swimming Cup, Чемпионат Словакии плавание мастерс, European Masters League, Swim.by

Photo: © Swim.by

Evening for Masters Swimmers – «BLACK & WHITE»:

30 June 2018 at 20:00 till 01:00 ⇒ Price: 15,00 € / 1 person.

Unformal dress code – in colours: white and black. Tickets will be available for pick up at the presentation at INFO-CENTRE. Dancing part: videodisco – dancing and night party in 70, 80, and 90th years world hits, which returns you to the golden years.

Welcome, compete and enjoy of the wonderful Masters Swimming Cup in Slovakia!

Web: www.turcianskivlci.sk | Rules & programRegulations | Entry fees ⇒ 8 € (1 start) / Relays = 8 € (each start)

RegistrationLENEX file to be sent to Organizers email address → dadakra@gmail.com – till 22 June 2018.

Arena Slovakia Swimming Masters Cup 2018, Кубок Словакии по плаванию мастерс 2018, www.swim.by, Slovakia Masters Swimming Cup, Чемпионат Словакии плавание мастерс, European Masters League, Swim.by

Photo: © x-bionic® sphere

Organizer: © Turčianski vlci - swimming masters

European Sports Promoter: EMG

Turčianski vlci - swimming masters:

Turčianski vlci - swimming masters

EMG, European Masters League, Европейская Лига Мастерс

EMG Sport INC, EMG Sports Management


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Andrzej Waszkewicz, https://swim.by, Wellness Expert

Andrzej Waszkewicz Swimming, https://swim.by, Swimming Manager

Andrzej Waszkewicz Triathlon, https://swim.by, Triathlon Manager

Andrzej Waszkewicz Sports Manager, https://swim.by, Sport Manager