A few times during the year, swimming and triathlon amateurs have interesting training camps. Week of workouts in company of the strongest masters athletes in the world is always great practical training sessions not only in the pool, but also in the gym center.
Today our way is directed to Slovakia, there in the small beautiful city of Šamorín on the bank of the Danube River, we will look at the moments of the sports day of the masters team Swimmpower Prague.

The Resort X-bionic® Sphere is a multifunctional complex, which on more than 100 hectares offers excellent conditions for professional and amateur sports, relaxation and congress tourism. This is our base for the best days of the sporty summer.

Good morning and have a nice day! Welcome to wonderful Olympic outdoor 50-meters pool.

The first training session and that moment when you and the pool are alone.

Indoor 25m swimming pool with 8 lanes.

After the pool, we go to the wellness center and doing a special set of exercises to strengthen swimming.

Coach Vlad Bragin head the workout process.

A little special endurance and coordination exercises.

We training hard in the gym and the football club Galatasaray have a rest at the athletics stadium.

Afternoon and in Šamorín begins Slovakia Masters Swimming Cup. This event cannot be missed.

Someone is watching on the masters swimmers. Well, and we’re looking on them

Good day in Swimmpower Prague.

Beautiful view of the wonderful Aquatics Complex.

Hey, athletes, welcome to the pool. Laziness is not about us.

Master workouts of the sprint swimming session from the European champion and record holder Ľuboš Križko.

In the evening schedule there is a crossfit training for the strongest and “Ironman’s”.

However, the swim pool is still more popular.

Now only apartment and well-deserved team’s dinner.

Great plans for the future.

Sunset over the Danube.

On the other river-side the Hungary and we are happy of this successful day, which was full of sports adventures and impressions.

© Andrzej Waszkewicz , EMG Sport, INC

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