Latvia again hosted the Riga Amber Cup on 16-17 February 2019 – the biggest traditional event in Masters Swimming in the heart of Baltic States. The famous Russian masters swimmers Vladimir Predkin and Larisa Nagovitsyna wins the main trophies of tournament.

Photo: © Andrzej Waszkewicz / Masters Swimming / Riga Amber Cup 2019
The former Russian Olympic swimmer (silver medalist of the Atlanta-1996) – Vladimir Predkin represented of the Masters club “Mad Wave”, competed in age group M50-54 and did not leave his rivals any chances in general classification. Vladimir started in the three individual distances and won every race: 50 Freestyle (24.29), 50 Butterfly (26.62), 100 Medley (1:02.57).

Photo: © Andrzej Waszkewicz / Masters Swimming / Riga Amber Cup 2019
Larisa Nagovitsyna (W60-64) represented the Russian Masters club “Tsunamy”, and won a 100 Butterfly (1:20.71) and 200 Butterfly (3:00.75) – smashed of European Masters Record in swimming!

Photo: © Andrzej Waszkewicz / Masters Swimming / Riga Amber Cup 2019
TOP-10 Men | Riga Amber Cup 2019
1. Vladimir Predkin ⇒ 2272 points
2. Edvinas Dautartas ⇒ 2127 pts.
3. Siarhei Aliashkevich ⇒ 2017 pts.
4. Alexander Wilson Mills ⇒ 1984 pts.
5. Sigitas Katkevicius ⇒ 1872 pts.
6. Edgaras Stura ⇒ 1812 pts.
7. Aleksandras Zamorskis ⇒ 1753 pts.
8. Aleksandr Batistsev ⇒ 1748 pts.
9. Andrejs Roslakovs ⇒ 1726 pts.
10. Maksim Ivanov ⇒ 1711 pts.

Photo: © Andrzej Waszkewicz / Masters Swimming / Riga Amber Cup 2019
TOP-10 Women | Riga Amber Cup 2019
1. Larisa Nagovitsyna ⇒ 2448 points
2. Anna Polyakova ⇒ 2077 pts.
3. Ausra Razgune ⇒ 2017 pts.
4. Regina Sych ⇒ 1918 pts.
5. Tatiana Tikhomirova ⇒ 1819 pts.
6. Irina Vaitone ⇒ 1816 pts.
7. Alexandra Romanenkova ⇒ 1811 pts.
8. Eve Virkkunen ⇒ 1638 pts.
9. Rannveig Burdahl ⇒ 1561 pts.
10. Liubov Bezruchenko ⇒ 1558 pts.

Photo: © Andrzej Waszkewicz / Masters Swimming / Riga Amber Cup 2019
TOP-10 Team | Riga Amber Cup 2019
1. Kauno meistru ir neigaliuju klubas Takas ⇒ 331 points
2. Meisterujumise U-Klubi ⇒ 330 pts.
3. Rigas Kipsalas PK ⇒ I 304 pts.
4. Valmieras PK Aqua ⇒ 165 pts.
5. Rigas Kipsalas PK II ⇒ 150 pts.
6. Torpedos ⇒ 148 pts.
7. Asker Svoemmeklubb ⇒ 142 pts.
8. Klaipedos plaukimo klubas ⇒ 141 pts.
9. Pregel ⇒ 139 pts.
10. Kaisiadoriu Plaukiam ⇒ 123 pts.

Photo: © Andrzej Waszkewicz / Masters Swimming / Riga Amber Cup 2019
More than 300 masters swimmers took part in the competition of Riga Amber Cup 2019!

Photo: © Andrzej Waszkewicz / Masters Swimming / Riga Amber Cup 2019
79 European Masters Clubs were represented at the tournament of “Baltic Masters Swimming Championships – Riga Amber Cup 2019“.

Photo: © Andrzej Waszkewicz / Masters Swimming / Riga Amber Cup 2019
Athletes from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Portugal, Cyprus, Sweden and Norway competed in the Daugava Sports Center (25 m pool / 6 lanes / electronic timing).

Photos: © Andrzej Waszkewicz / Masters Swimming / Riga Amber Cup 2019
Organizers: © Jānis Plotnieks powered by Andrzej Waszkewicz / EMG
European Sports Promoter: Swim.by

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