Swim.by, SWIM Channel, Andrzej Waszkewicz


IRONSTAR 2019: the biggest triathlon series in Russia and Eastern Europe

IRONSTAR 2019, Ironstar Triathlon 2019, Ironstar Triathlon Russia, Ironstar Triathlon Europe

The international sports project IRONSTAR is a biggest triathlon series in Russia and Eastern Europe. During the season, all brand events bring together over 9,000 amateurs and professional triathletes in the top-quality races.

IRONSTAR 2019, Ironstar Triathlon 2019, www.swim.by, Ironstar Triathlon Russia, Ironstar Triathlon Europe, IRONSTAR Triathlon Russia 2019, Swim.by

Photo: © Dmitry Kolesnikov / IRONSTAR Triathlon

And all side events of IRONSTAR, such as a IRONLADY, STARKIDS, Rosa Run, SwimStar, Indoor Triathlon and SwimRun – more than 20,000 participants in every sports season!

IRONSTAR 2019, Ironstar Triathlon 2019, www.swim.by, Ironstar Triathlon Russia, Ironstar Triathlon Europe, IRONSTAR Triathlon Russia 2019, Swim.by

Photo: © Dmitry Kolesnikov / IRONSTAR Triathlon

IRONSTAR Triathlon 2019

The IRONSTAR races calendar in 2019 offer the most interesting events in the main sports cities of Russia:

31 May – 1 June 2019Sochi — IRONSTAR Sprint & 113 / IRONLADY / STARKIDS / SWIMSTAR

28-29 June 2019Zavidovo — IRONSTAR 1/8 / 1/4 / SUPERMIX / IRONLADY / STARKIDS / SWIMSTAR

26-28 July 2019KazanEuropean Sprint Triathlon Championships / IRONSTAR 113 / IRONLADY / STARKIDS

16-17 August 2019KaliningradIRONSTAR Sprint & 113 Kaliningrad / IRONLADY / STARKIDS

24-25 August 2019Moscow — IRONSTAR CROCUS 2019 / SWIMSTAR

11-12 October 2019Sochi — IRONSTAR Olympic & 226 / IRONLADY / STARKIDS / SWIMSTAR

IRONSTAR Triathlon 2019, IRONSTAR 2019, Ironstar Triathlon Registration

IRONSTAR 2019, Ironstar Triathlon 2019, www.swim.by, Ironstar Triathlon Russia, Ironstar Triathlon Europe, IRONSTAR Triathlon Russia 2019, Swim.by

Photo: © IRONSTAR Triathlon

IRONSTAR Sprint & 113 Sochi 2019

IRONSTAR 113 Sochi 2019 is a very famous triathlon race in Russia for age groups in the “half-iron” distance: swim 1.93 km, bike 90 km and run 21.1 km.

The race of IRONSTAR Sprint Triathlon Sochi – is a 750 m swim, 20 km bike and 5 km run.

IRONSTAR 2019, Ironstar Triathlon 2019, www.swim.by, Ironstar Triathlon Russia, Ironstar Triathlon Europe, IRONSTAR Triathlon Russia 2019, Swim.by

Photo: © Dmitry Kolesnikov / IRONSTAR Triathlon

IRONSTAR 1/4, 1/8 & SUPERMIX Zavidovo 2019

The IRONSTAR 1/4 Zavidovo 2019 is a new and unique format of the Russian triathlon.
Distance: 1 km – swimming, 45 km – biking, 10 km – running. It’s 1/4 of “iron” distance.

The IRONSTAR 1/8 Zavidovo 2019 – the very interesting and short format of the triathlon race. It’s a first step to Ironman.
Distance: 0,5 km – swimming, 22 km – biking, 5 km – running. It’s 1/8 of “iron” distance.

Triathlon IRONSTAR SUPERMIX Zavidovo 2019 is a mix of two courses – 1/4 and 1/8 of “iron” distance.

IRONSTAR 2019, Ironstar Triathlon 2019, www.swim.by, Ironstar Triathlon Russia, Ironstar Triathlon Europe, IRONSTAR Triathlon Russia 2019, Swim.by

Photo: © Maria Shalneva / IRONSTAR Triathlon


IRONSTAR 113 KAZAN 2019 TIMERMAN CUP – triathlon race for Age Groups on the half-iron distance: swim 1.93 km, bike 90 km and run 21.1 km.

ETU AG Sprint European Triathlon Championships 2019 ⇒ the competition among amateurs (Age Groups) and Masters athletes will be held on July 28, 2019 in Kazan (Russia).
Official Sprint distance in triathlon: 750 m swimming, 20 km cycling, 5 km running.

IRONSTAR 2019, Ironstar Triathlon 2019, www.swim.by, Ironstar Triathlon Russia, Ironstar Triathlon Europe, IRONSTAR Triathlon Russia 2019, Swim.by

Photo: © IRONSTAR Triathlon

IRONSTAR Sprint & 113 Kaliningrad 2019

The IRONSTAR Sprint & 113 Kaliningrad is a new big triathlon event in the Kaliningrad – the most western city of Russia. The swimming course of the races will take place in the Baltic sea.

IRONSTAR 113 Kaliningrad 2019 – triathlon distance: swim 1.93 km, bike 90 km and run 21.1 km.

IRONSTAR Sprint Kaliningrad 2019 – triathlon distance: 750 m swimming, 20 km cycling, 5 km running.

IRONSTAR 2019, Ironstar Triathlon 2019, www.swim.by, Ironstar Triathlon Russia, Ironstar Triathlon Europe, IRONSTAR Triathlon Russia 2019, Swim.by

Photo: © IRONSTAR Triathlon

IRONSTAR CROCUS Fitness 1/8 Triathlon Moscow 2019

IRONSTAR Triathlon and Crocus Fitness jointly present the most dynamic race of the season 2019 – in Moscow.

IRONSTAR CROCUS Fitness 1/8 Triathlon Moscow 2019 – the international triathlon competition among amateurs will be held on August 25, 2019 at the unique distances: 500 m swimming + 22 km cycling race + 5 km running.

IRONSTAR 2019, Ironstar Triathlon 2019, www.swim.by, Ironstar Triathlon Russia, Ironstar Triathlon Europe, IRONSTAR Triathlon Russia 2019, Swim.by

Photo: © IRONSTAR Triathlon

IRONSTAR Olympic & 226 Sochi 2019

The IRONSTAR 226 Sochi 2019 is TOP-triathlon competition in Russia for amateurs on the ‘iron’ distance: 3,86 km swimming, 180 km cycling, 42,195 km marathon running.

The IRONSTAR Olympic Triathlon Sochi 2019 – the race for amateurs (Age Groups) and Elite triathletes at the Olympic distance: 1,5 km swim, 40 km bike, and 10 km run.

IRONSTAR 2019, Ironstar Triathlon 2019, www.swim.by, Ironstar Triathlon Russia, Ironstar Triathlon Europe, IRONSTAR Triathlon Russia 2019, Swim.by

Photo: © IRONSTAR Triathlon

Registration to all events of IRONSTAR 2019 is Open!

Discover the most interesting and biggest triathlon series in Russia and Eastern Europe. Challenge your limits with IRONSTAR!

IRONSTAR TRIATHLON, Ironstar Triathlon Russia

IRONSTAR 2019, Ironstar Triathlon 2019, www.swim.by, Ironstar Triathlon Russia, Ironstar Triathlon Europe, IRONSTAR Triathlon Russia 2019, Swim.by

Photo: © IRONSTAR Triathlon

Organizer: IRONSTAR

Worldwide Sports Promoter: EMG   via   Swim.by

IRONSTAR Triathlon Russia, Ironstar Triathlon, IRONSTAR Triathlon Russia 2019

European Triathlon Tour, European Triathlon Calendar European Masters Tour, European Masters League, Европейская Лига Мастерс


Sports Reviews:

ETU Sprint Triathlon European Championships Kazan 2019
ETU Sprint Triathlon European Championships Kazan 2019, European Masters Triathlon Championships, European Triathlon Championships,  Triathlon Masters, European Triathlon Championships 2019, Swim.by

IRONSTAR Sprint & 113 Kaliningrad 2019
IRONSTAR Sprint & 113 Kaliningrad 2019, IRONSTAR Kaliningrad, IRONSTAR Triathlon Kaliningrad, Swim.by

IRONSTAR SwimRun Dubai 2018
IRONSTAR SwimRun Dubai 2018, www.swim.by, IRONSTAR SwimRun, SwimRun Dubai, Swim.by

IRONSTAR Olympic & 226 Sochi 2018
IRONSTAR Olympic & 226 Sochi 2018, www.swim.by, IRONSTAR Triathlon, IRONSTAR Olympic Triathlon Sochi, IRONSTAR Triathlon Sochi, Swim.by

IRONSTAR Crocus Fitness 1/8 Triathlon 2018
IRONSTAR Crocus Fitness 1/8 Triathlon 2018, www.swim.by, IRONSTAR Triathlon, IRONSTAR Триатлон Москва, Swim.by

Russian Junior Triathlon Championship 2018
Russian Junior Triathlon Championship 2018, www.swim.by, Чемпионат России по триатлону среди юниоров, Swim.by

Triathlon IRONSTAR 113 Kazan Timerman Cup 2018
Triathlon IRONSTAR 113 Kazan Timerman Cup 2018, IRONSTAR 113 Kazan 2018, www.swim.by, Triathlon IRONSTAR Kazan, Triathlon Competition, Russian Triathlon, Swim.by

IRONSTAR 113 Kazan 2018
IRONSTAR 113 Kazan 2018, www.swim.by, Triathlon IRONSTAR Kazan, Triathlon Competition, Russia Triathlon, Swim.by

Russian Triathlon Junior Championship 2018
Russian Triathlon Junior Championship 2018, www.swim.by, Russian Triathlon Championships, Triathlon Russia, Swim.by

Triathlon IRONSTAR Zavidovo 2018
Triathlon IRONSTAR Zavidovo 2018, Russia Triathlon, www.swim.by, Ironstar Triathlon, Swim.by

IRONSTAR ZAVIDOVO 2018, Ironstar Zavidovo Triathlon, Ironstar Triathlon Russia, Ironstar Триатлон Россия, EMG Sport

Triathlon IRONSTAR 113 Sochi 2018
Triathlon IRONSTAR 113 Sochi 2018, www.swim.by, Ironstar Sochi, Triathlon Ironstar Russia, Russian Triathlon competition, Swim.by

IRONSTAR: road to Russian Kona
IRONSTAR Russian Kona, IRONSTAR Triathlon Russia, IRONSTAR Triathlon, Triathlon Russia, www.swim.by, Триатлон Россия, Триатлон, Триатлон в Сочи, EMG Triathlon

IRONSTAR 113 SOCHI 2018, IRONSTAR Triathlon Russia, IRONSTAR Triathlon, Russian Triathlon, www.swim.by, Триатлон в России, Российский триатлон, Триатлон в Сочи, Swim.by

IRONSTAR Triathlon in Russia
IRONSTAR Triathlon Russia, IRONSTAR Triathlon, Russian Triathlon, Swim.by

IRONSTAR & World Class Indoor Triathlon
IRONSTAR Indoor Triathlon, IRONSTAR Triathlon Russia, IRONSTAR Triathlon, Triathlon Russia, Swim.by


Andrzej Waszkewicz, https://swim.by, Wellness Expert

Andrzej Waszkewicz Swimming, https://swim.by, Swimming Manager

Andrzej Waszkewicz Triathlon, https://swim.by, Triathlon Manager

Andrzej Waszkewicz Sports Manager, https://swim.by, Sport Manager