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Grand Prix Minsk 2018: International Cycling Race of UCI Europe Tour in Belarus

Grand Prix Minsk 2018, Minsk Cycling, Belarus Cycling

The Grand Prix Minsk is a one-day cycling race (149 km) held annually in Minsk, Belarus on 19 August 2018. It is part of UCI Europe Tour in category 1.2. More than 100 professional racers took part in this international event in the center of Minsk.

Grand Prix Minsk 2018, Minsk Cycling, Belarus Cycling, www.swim.by, Minsk Cycling Belarus, Гран при Минска велоспорт, EMG Cycling, Swim.by

Photo: © Andrzej Waszkewicz / EMG

The Grand Prix Minsk is a cycling race in criterium format in the heart of Belarusian capital at the Pobediteley Avenue.

Total distance: 149 km (10 laps x 14,9 km).

Grand Prix Minsk 2018, Minsk Cycling, Belarus Cycling, www.swim.by, Minsk Cycling Belarus, Гран при Минска велоспорт, EMG Cycling, Swim.by

Photo: © Andrzej Waszkewicz / EMG

20 cycling teams from 13 countries went to the start to show a beautiful race on wide avenues in perfect sunny weather!

Grand Prix Minsk 2018, Minsk Cycling, Belarus Cycling, www.swim.by, Minsk Cycling Belarus, Гран при Минска велоспорт, EMG Cycling, Swim.by

Photo: © Andrzej Waszkewicz / EMG

Riders from Belarus, Ukraine, Russia, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, USA, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Turkey and Taiwan competed for the Minsk prizes and UCI ranking points.

Grand Prix Minsk 2018, Minsk Cycling, Belarus Cycling, www.swim.by, Minsk Cycling Belarus, Гран при Минска велоспорт, EMG Cycling, Swim.by

Photo: © Andrzej Waszkewicz / EMG

The absolute winner of Grand Prix Minsk 2018 was Nikolai Shumov (Minsk Cycling Club).

Grand Prix Minsk 2018, Minsk Cycling, Belarus Cycling, www.swim.by, Minsk Cycling Belarus, Гран при Минска велоспорт, EMG Cycling, Swim.by

Photo: © Andrzej Waszkewicz / EMG

Silver medal and 2nd place won Marek Rutkiewicz from Poland (Wibatech Merx 7R).

Grand Prix Minsk 2018, Minsk Cycling, Belarus Cycling, www.swim.by, Minsk Cycling Belarus, Гран при Минска велоспорт, EMG Cycling, Swim.by

Photo: © Andrzej Waszkewicz / EMG

The bronze medal and 3rd place won the racer of the National Cycling Team of Belarus –Yauheni Akhramenka.

Grand Prix Minsk 2018, Minsk Cycling, Belarus Cycling, www.swim.by, Minsk Cycling Belarus, Гран при Минска велоспорт, EMG Cycling, Swim.by

Photo: © Andrzej Waszkewicz / EMG

Polish cycling club of Wibatech Merx 7R – the best team of the Grand Prix Minsk 2018.

Grand Prix Minsk 2018, Minsk Cycling, Belarus Cycling, www.swim.by, Minsk Cycling Belarus, Гран при Минска велоспорт, EMG Cycling, Swim.by

Photo: © Andrzej Waszkewicz / EMG

Karl-Arnold Vendelin from Estonia (Cycling Tartu) – the best young racer of Grand Prix Minsk 2018.

Grand Prix Minsk 2018, Minsk Cycling, Belarus Cycling, www.swim.by, Minsk Cycling Belarus, Гран при Минска велоспорт, EMG Cycling, Swim.by

Photo: © Andrzej Waszkewicz / EMG

Andris Vosekalns from Latvia National Team – the most aggressive racer of Grand Prix Minsk Cycling 2018.

Grand Prix Minsk 2018, Minsk Cycling, Belarus Cycling, www.swim.by, Minsk Cycling Belarus, Гран при Минска велоспорт, EMG Cycling, Swim.by

Photo: © Andrzej Waszkewicz / EMG

If you like the cycling, we say – welcome to Minsk!

In 2019, Minsk will host the European Games and other very interesting sports events.

Grand Prix Minsk 2018, Minsk Cycling, Belarus Cycling, www.swim.by, Minsk Cycling Belarus, Гран при Минска велоспорт, EMG Cycling, Swim.by

Grand Prix Minsk 2018, Minsk Cycling, Belarus Cycling, www.swim.by, Minsk Cycling Belarus, Гран при Минска велоспорт, EMG Cycling, Swim.by

Grand Prix Minsk 2018, Minsk Cycling, Belarus Cycling, www.swim.by, Minsk Cycling Belarus, Гран при Минска велоспорт, EMG Cycling, Swim.by

Grand Prix Minsk 2018, Minsk Cycling, Belarus Cycling, www.swim.by, Minsk Cycling Belarus, Гран при Минска велоспорт, EMG Cycling, Swim.by

Grand Prix Minsk 2018, Minsk Cycling, Belarus Cycling, www.swim.by, Minsk Cycling Belarus, Гран при Минска велоспорт, EMG Cycling, Andrzej Waszkewicz

Photos by: © Andrzej Waszkewicz / EMG

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Grand Prix Minsk Cycling 2018, Grand Prix Minsk Photo, Grand Prix Minsk Cycling Foto, Гран При Минска велоспорт Фото

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